The husband of mom Ana Walshe appeared in court via Zoom today for a brief status hearing ahead of his murder trial.
Brian Walshe is to death, dismembering her body and disposing of it in a dumpster in January.
Police have not been able to recover her remains – they say they were taken from the dumpster by trash services and before they could catch up to them.
Walshe, 47, denies murder, and claims he doesn’t know what happened to his wife, who has not been seen alive since the early hours of January 1.
Today, his attorneys complained that they are yet to receive any discovery from the state that would help them prepare a defense.
Brian Walshe is accused of beating Ana to death, dismembering her body and disposing of it in a dumpster in January.
Ana went missing in the early hours of January 1.
Prosecutors say her remains were ‘shredded and incinerated’